Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Eating: Anivair Edition

I spent a long time today researching Morning Sickness (which is a bullshit name). I never thought I’d do this much research on this particular topic. In fact, I just always assumed that when a woman got pregnant she would throw up in the morning for a few days and then somehow the rest happens by magic. I blame movies.

What I now know is that this sickness can happen anytime and that sometimes the cure (like crackers or fruit) can make it worse in a lot of ways. I’m going to try to get Traci eating some good fats. Her diet will, ideally, be high fat, low to moderate carb and moderate protein. Everything I’ve read says that should help.

EDIT: Dinner panned out in that way. What does that look like? We hit Chipotle. She had a burrito bowl (the rice is not technically paleo, but it can help settle the stomach and I can think of worse things to eat). She had barbacoa with sour cream (not only a good source of fat, but our Chipotle uses local pastured cream … how great is that?) and a healthy dose of guacamole. I can live with that. Did it help? Hard to say, since we had company over and nobody knows we’re expecting yet, so she had to be quiet about it, but we’ll see tomorrow.

Eating: the Challenge

Woke up feeling exhausted, but not too nauseous. Got up early because of our barking puppy. Got motivated, showered dressed and took a little time this morning to start my day slowly. And while I was tired as all get-out, I told Joe yesterday, I will gladly feel tired and nauseous if we get a great baby in the end.

So I headed to work, after having some strawberries and my supplements. That’s when the nausea started to settle in. I had some grapes, to try and calm my stomach but it didn’t do much. Then I grabbed my lunch which was delicious yesterday and now makes me queasy just looking at it. I forced several forks of it in before giving up. the last couple of days, I feel like I have been forcing food in my mouth just to make sure I’m eating something, but it is all making me feel sick.

I went home after work and passed out on the couch. Seems like I’m doing that a lot these days.the nap seemed to help my mood and I was able to put down dinner.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Workout Day: Anivair Edition

The MovNat workout with a newly pregnant wife was interesting. I am torn at this stage between being upset when certain exercises make her feel sick and being sympathetic because my wife is sick. I guess I’ll get used to it. She was still a champ and let me throw rocks at her.

Lunch was good, but I don’t know what Traci is talking about regarding her appetite. I recall her putting down a 3 egg omelet, home fries, and a fruit cup. I’d say she’s doing fine. The nausea has been making the eating schedule a bit weird, though. Just today we had to put two meals off by about an hour to make sure the stomach didn’t get too bad.

That’s all she wrote.

Workout day

Today has been rough. While I've had minimal nausea previously, today is killer.

We got up around 9 A.M. and went to the metropark to do our primal movnat-ish workout. I felt fine getting up, starting my day with some water before heading out.

Jumping and jogging pretty much immediately made me nauseous. I completed the workout, which was killer. We did bear crawls, plank walks and rock tosses. I want to keep working out and keeping up the weightloss we started before conception, but it will definitely need modified.

So, we came home, showered and met some friends for lunch. While I ate what I could, my appetite was certainly decreased. After lunch, we came home and I laid down to watch a movie. Before I knew it, I was asleep, and then awake, then asleep. I tossed and turned around on the couch, feeling pretty vile. Joe went and got me an ice cube to help make me feel less nauseous. It helped for a little while. He is looking into paleo alternatives for nausea cures.

We are officially twenty-four hours into doctor confirmed pregnancy and it’s killing us not to tell everyone. I keep almost slipping when talking about plans for our delayed honeymoon next week. What funny timing! New Orleans and seven weeks pregnant! This will be an interesting time!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Holy Crap: Anivair Edition

Holy crap.

No seriously. Holy crap.

I was super excited when the home test said pregnant. I was even more excited when the doctor confirmed it. I want to say that I knew ahead of time, but really, I “hoped”. I felt like, as a pagan, we should know stuff like this, shouldn’t we? And maybe we did, but we’re both too busy second guessing ourselves to be sure, so what good does that do?

I “felt” like she was pregnant before the test. But it’s hard to say if i was right or hopeful. We did a ritual at home on Tuesday and topok some omens. At first I thought they might be bad: one was about deception and I was afraid it was a sign that we were kidding ourselves, but it didn’t feel that way. Just as I was about to finish the flame of Iris (our Gatekeeper) made a series of sizzling noises and I thought it meant I should draw one more. That one was the God Head: the idea that you need to stay calm and focused and in the moment. Okay. So maybe they were telling us to chill out. I can live with that. But I didn’t do much chilling out after the news from the Doctor. We just spent the rest of the day talkintg about the plans we need to make.

Going through a pregnancy that is as natural as possible, while living paleo as modern pagans makes this a pregnancy and a process very much worth documenting, so I’m looking forward to sharing thoughts here.

Holy crap - Traci

A doctor's appointment confirmed what the HPT told us Sunday. I am pregnant. the nurse at my doc's office came in and said "very positive". They weren't sure if they should be excited or not, but I told them Joe and I were trying and were thrilled about the news. That seemed to come as a relief to the nurse and doc. Who apparently "never know how to approach the 'you're positive'" news.

So after a couple of very nervous days and a lot of praying and worry, Joe and I are going to have a baby!!!

I am, obviously thrilled, but have been rather apprehensive about the whole thing, worried that I was seeing signs that weren't there. But, the doctor said that as far as she can tell, I’m around six weeks pregnant. While I had a home pregnancy test to prepare me, it was crazy exciting to get the thumbs up from the doctor.

That said, Joe and I wanted to start a blog about being pregnant, paleo and interested in trying to have as natural a pregnancy as possible. We don't want to tell anyone until the first trimester is over, but we are frankly, super excited and ready to start documenting this process!