Thursday, November 21, 2013

22 weeks and moving

The Magpie and I are at 22 weeks and things are still moving along.  Here's the video we forgot to show you:

How great is that?  That was at 12 weeks and things are still moving.

How has it been?  Well, it's been a struggle, of course.  The Magpie has suffered through what I will call the worst morning sickness I've ever seen in a human.  We had to go to the ER twice for fluids (throwing up 5 times in 2 hours is a bad thing).  But apart from that, we're still moving along well enough and despite all our fears and all our stress, the bean seems to be thriving.

Last night I felt a good solid kick (a lot of them) for the first time.  I won't lie, it was magic.  Literally.  I can still feel my hand tingle today.  I don't know how it works, but it's amazing.

I'm thinking about making a pregnancy book for dads, because there are no good ones that I've seen (at least none that I think really helped me).  Maybe some of you interneters have suggestions?

Last night we performed a small ritual giving thanks to the gods and goddesses again for where we are and we made a small vow to repay them by raising our child the best way we can.  I know, it's a small vow and it was a small rite, but it was nice.  In all the rush or baby making and cultivating and throwing up and doctor visits (where we track fresh tar all over their office ...whoops!) it seems like our faith is struggling to have a central place in our lives and that's not that great, so we're going to make an effort to bring it back.

Likewise, I'm making a serious effort to get my exercise routine back on track.  Often I'll think, "Well, I'll just work out at home.  It's faster."  And it it.  But I also do less work because I can do some chin ups and push up and call it a day, but at the gym I would add in a lot of other work (box jumps and heavy bag work at least).  At home it's easy to just wander upstairs and be done. Too easy.

Food has been clean.  I made a small vow to myself (and the universe) to eat clean till the bean is born and I'm sticking to it.

So that's all for now, kids.  We're still nervous and excited and registering and doing all the stuff you do at this phase, and I feel like we're on the right path.  I'm hopeful.

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