Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update from Druidlandia - Magpie Edition

So, it's been a while since we've posted to this blog. Frankly, we have our own individual blogs where we are most loquacious. But I wanted to stop by here and update what will be future readers about where we've been after all the crazy trying times of the last few months.

First of all, I, one magpie of the first order decided to do full paleo eating for a full week. No cheats, no sodas, just 100% paleo all week.

Frankly, aside from getting used to plain coffee and water, it wasn't so bad. In fact, it was so easy, I extended my experiment to two weeks. Really, it's not as bad or as difficult as I thought. It helps that I have a husband that is not only a great cook, but also extremely supportive of my foray into pure paleo. I ate a lot of eggs and bacon and broccoli, because we bought them in bulk at Costco and I am able to make them fast. But all in all, I really wanted for almost nothing. (My addiction to caffeinated beverages aside.)

I felt great and had a new found appreciation for water, a particular dietary need of which I really never got enough. I added a vast array of new veggies to my "I didn't know I liked it" list.

All in all it helped me realize just how used to sweetened and processed foods I still was and how much I could really taste the food I was eating. It helped make food more about delicious fuel than something I thought about constantly.

Also, I got back into training. We went to a movenat style meetup locally and I realized how much I loved it all over again. It's been cold, so we have been working out and lifting weights in our new basement gym. I'm slowly improving, as always, I'd love to lose weight and get my body as free of fat as possible for possible follow up tries at babymaking, so we'll see.

Onto that topic, Anivair and I decided to contact a Reproductive Specialist to discuss options for fertility. Ideally, we'd love to just give it another go naturally, but after two losses, I felt that I would not be happy trying again until we checked that we did not have any abnormalities that might make for another loss. I personally don't love the idea of all this intervention, but, it came down to tests. If I didn't do the tests and we had another loss, I really feel like I would have felt worse, knowing I didn't look into every possibility I could.

We have decided that if we are not able to have children naturally, then we are not interested in IVF. We decided that we didn't want to spend all our money trying to make a baby if there were others around the world that needed a loving home. I didn't think IVF was worth the money or the potential heartbreak if it didn't work out. We are looking into taking adoption classes as soon as possible, which really makes me happy. Frankly, I don't care how I become a mom, just that I know I'm meant to be one!

Also, over the course of the last month, both Anivair and I have completed our ADF dedicant path study program. Joe just got his approval today in fact! This is really exciting for both of us, as it represents years of study and work thinking about our faith and we're really proud and excited to see what lies next in store for study and our faith! Yay!

Whew, that was a long entry, I hope that it was mildly entertaining!!

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