The bean was born 1 lb 7.8 ounces and 12 inches long. lt took over an hour before we were able to see her. When we did, it was quite a shock. Our little, precious bean was bright red with jaundice and preemie bilirubin. And to say she was tiny is an understatement.
The first night, l got to kangaroo hold her. lt was amazing to hold our tiny girl to my chest and feel her warmth and movement.
It was scary, to be sure, but when her O2 and heartrate evened out, it felt like magic.
Since then, we've sat by held her, found out her lung collapsed, she got an infection and has fought through long days and nights just to survive. It has been the most terrifying few days of my whole life.
But also, when she is doing well my heart starts to beat again. She opened her eyes for the first time yesterday. It was beautiful and made me so indescribably happy.
My continued prayers go out to our little bean and may she heal and rest.
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